Once you have set up the message template, you can complete (or edit) the body of your message. In order to ensure your messages are personalized (and compelling), you will want to:
Add Standard Contact Traits
Add Sender Traits
Add Non-Standard Account/Contact Traits
Add Rich Text elements
Edit in Html
Here's how...
Add Standard Contact Traits:
To make some basic personalizations to your message, you can add the Contacts/Accounts details by navigating to and clicking on the relevant trait (First Name, Account Name etc.).
Add Sender Traits:
The Sender is the person/Role selected from the Send As... dropdown field when adding a message to an Akita Playbook [Image Below].
In the message editor you can select Sender traits (Name, Email Address etc.) and add then to the message [Below].
Add Non-Standard Account/Contact Traits:
This is where you can leverage the real power of Akita. Any/all Account or Contact data you are pushing into Akita is available to add to a message. So any revenue, voice-of-customer, platform usage, health data etc. can be added to create a compelling message or call-to-action in any context. Simple search for the relevant Trait and drop it into the message. In the message [Below] we are sharing the customers current Daily Active User (DAU) metric to illustrate how engaged they are.
Add Rich Text elements:
If you feel you message need to be more than just basic text, you can add the rich text tools to add a flourish (or hyperlink text etc).
Edit in Html:
For those of you that want to apply your Html skills to the design of your message, click <> to access and tweak the code as you see fit [Below].